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Showing posts from March, 2022


"What is a word that comforts you?"                                           This question marked in my mind the moment it was asked by a celebrity that I watched when she has this so called talk concert. There are words that the audience shared when they were asked by this question. Some said that the word eat deliciously are the words that can comfort him. And those words are from her song "Tunnel"                        Those words can be shallow for others, and can also be shallow if it was included in a song, but it can be meaningful when you were there in the situation. Especially if you love to eat and you were stress eating.  There are also words that can comfort you like some sorts of motivational and such but the moment Sejeong said this word, I realized that this is also my comforting word.   Silence               This can be my comforting word. But unlike others that it is a word that was said by someone, mine is the word itself. Silence has the power t

For Me

 Hello. The first time I wrote like this in this kind of format is when I started this account. I just want to share this lesson or an idea, maybe? Whatever you want to call it. It depends on you. I have always been asking myself what do you like? What is your biggest dream? What's your favorite food? Or any questions about myself. But my answers will always be depends on what I want in that moment, that is based on people who I really want to please, or to those people whom I want to be. All those answers are really not for myself. Maybe that's when it started.  Then it became a habit. I slowly became someone people want me to be, to fit in. I forgot my dreams when I was a child, I forgot what's really my favorite food, what do I want in life, where do I want to go and many more. I don't even know now what's my favorite color. Then it got worse. I now find it hard to burst all my feelings, it's now so hard to cry. Because what I feel is not worse and they can&#