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Scribbles and Poesies



             There would always be a situation when you just  randomly thought of combining beautiful words and make it into a meaningful piece. And that was what I've experience writing these compilation of pieces. Hope you will all enjoy it!

        If you will notice some errors, don't hesitate to speak, I'm always open for constructive criticisms:>

Set yourself free from fears  that jailed you.

Fear is a Jail

When I try to move forward, 

My feet froze, and felt nothing

I want to lay my own card 

Still I have no courage to step on beginning

For a long time I'm hidden on my own wall

Walls that can be comfort I must say

However, I'm afraid it'll be my own fall

Do I need fortitude to set free in this non-existent jail?

For those who listen but can't be heard.


When I try to utter

You'll ignore and look away

When you have something to share

I'm willing to lend my ears and stay

Do I deserve to be heard?

Or I'll remain inaudible?

Don't make me feel ignored

I know I'm capable

Be aware that you are worthy.

I'll make you aware

I'll make you aware

Despite how vast universe is, you exist

Your breath adds in the light air

Your birth is notable not to be missed

It deserves to be known

Your kindness that radiates

This is your dreams and throne

This is meant for you, it states

When you plant your hatred, it was meant to be withered.

Withered and Gone

Abhorrence scattered to your fertile heart

You let it grew and added its branches

Taking care, as if it's a work of art

Protecting, establishing around their fences

Your fertile heart forgot to be watered

The exasperation started to dry and run

A  plant that was meant to be shriveled

Not meant to stay but withered and gone


Aia accompanied her mourning friend Maisha to any places she likes to go to

comfort her. Maisha decided to go to an adventure park.

Maisha: Let's go Aia! Let's ride that zipline!

Aia: Maisha, you know I hate heights.

Maisha: But you said you'll make me happy, come on.. go along with me.

Aia: What if it's not safe? Then we have no choice but to die or regret?

Maisha: You know what? You're too overacting! Look at them? They're trying

and it's safe, right?

Aia: But you'll never know what will happen..

If that-

Maisha: Please?

Aia: No.

Maisha: I'll buy you your favorite books!

Aia: Still no.

Maisha: I'll buy you concert tickets?

Aia: Nope.

Maisha: I need a company Ai, come on...humor me. I'll treat you a heavy meal.

Aia: But Maisha... I'm sorry, I really can't.

Maisha: Why are you like that? Why won't you face your fears and fight with

your doubts and worriness? Why are you always taking steps behind when you

should step forward?

Aia: Because that's the way it should be! Avoid danger or conflicts. Why would

you choose to pass through the trouble? Isn't it silly?

Maisha: Isn't that cowardness?

Aia: I..I choose to be coward than to be in trouble.

Maisha: You avoid things to not regret but it is remorseful not to be brave.

Aia: But it's better to be in this zone, it's terrible to experience extreme feeling. I

prefer to be in peace.


Maisha: So that's why...

Aia: Huh? Wh-What do you mean?

Maisha: You stayed quite and choose not to help to seek justice.

Aia: I don't understand you Maisha. Yo-You're being weird..

Maisha: She could've been saved... and If not she could've obtain justice.

Aia: I don' t get you. Let's call it a day. Let's just talk tomor-

Maisha: For the last time Aia...  Can you face your fears? Can you be brave?

Please? Just for me...

Aia: Mai...

Maisha: I hacked the CCTV in front of our house.. a minute before the incident

I saw you entering our house.

Aia: I..I went to your house to borrow your book. You know that I want to read

the last book you bought, right? And then.. I saw an unfamiliar man invading

your house from your backyard. A full beard bald man wearing a leather jacket

with a black polo shirt inside. He's probably 5'7 with a tanned skin. He tried to

steal your heirloom that is hidden in your parent's room but your mom's

sleeping inside and got awakened by the sound he made. And you already know

what happened. He saw me after and I ran. I got afraid having thoughts that he

might go after me. I'm sorry. I'm coward. I'm a weakling.

Maisha: This is my very first time asking a favor from you, you know that I

hate begging for help. Can you let me Aia? Be brave and speak. Please?

Aia: Maisha...

Maisha: Please...

Aia: (sighs) Mai, while we are talking I realized many things. I know I always

seek for safety and all along I believed that it is for my sake and for all the

important people around me. But right now, I fathomed that it was not seeking

safety but selfishness. I was not choosing peace but war in my mind and soul.

Not letting myself get hurt and circumventing fears can make me feel bad too,

I've been experiencing nightmares and voices but I always brush it aside. I'm

sorry for realizing lately.

Maisha: I know you're not like that, you are still a good person for me. Is there

anything that you did not say to me?

Aia: You don't need to know..

Maisha: But..

Aia: You'll know it soon, but not now. It's still not the right time. I'll speak not

just for you but for myself. It's time to be brave. I know I'm braver more than I

thought I could be. I should stop being afraid and seek peace out of my

selfishness, my actions are not right to a good goal and it came out wrong.

Thank you for helping me realize it I know it's not too late to improve right?

Maisha: Thank you too, for being you.


Act 1

Scene 1

The main spotlight focuses on a woman sewing; a man entered the scene. 

(When Aurora heard the door's creak, signaling that her husband's at home)  

Act 1

Scene 1

The main spotlight focuses on a woman sewing; a man entered the scene. 

(When Aurora heard the door's creak, signaling that her husband's at home) 

AURORA: (lending her hand) 

QUENTIN: What's that 'ma? 

AURORA: (stares at Quentin's palm that is on his back but failed to do so) You did not bring flowers? 

QUENTIN: (chuckles) So you got used to it? You haven't found out the meaning yet. 

AURORA: Is it required? It says on google that it's a sign of bravery. (staring at the flowers that was placed on a flower vase) Isn't that what you mean? 

QUENTIN: No, it can be but (paused) it lacks something else. 

AURORA: Because I’m tough? Why would you make it emphasized? I already know that. (hits him lightly)

QUENTIN: You are, but still (paused) no. 

AURORA: (rolled her eyes) Can’t you have a clue?

QUENTIN: A clue? (rest his hands that was closed together to his thighs) (paused) It’s a message. That’s all what I can say. 

AURORA: 1,2,3….Does it mean I hate you? It’s three.

QUENTIN: (laughs) Still no.

AURORA: Okay, don't give me flowers anymore. (jokingly) 

QUENTIN: (laughs) 

AURORA: So... how's your work? 

QUENTIN: (sighs and sat on the couch) We haven't found out enough evidences yet. 

AURORA: Marianos really clean when it comes to crimes huh. 

QUENTIN: Not really, criminal always leaves clues they say. 

AURORA: Yeah right. 

QUENTIN: And I know I'll find it out no matter how inconspicuous it is. 

AURORA: Hopes for you. (silence) By the way, how is it going? 

QUENTIN: We found the car that was used by the victim, and found the black box in it, the same as the dash cam. We're now trying to recover the black box since that is more damaged. But we already saw the footage of the dash cam. It doesn't help even a penny. (chuckles) 

AURORA: How about the CCTV footage of the restaurant near the incident? 

QUENTIN: I already found a hacker the owner might not even let us. You already know that it was owned by the more powerful backer, he's a great friend of the Mariano’s

AURORA: That's awful but great job..

QUENTIN: You know what, the victim has the habit of recording himself throughout the day because he has a short term memory gap. Based on what his family said, he has a pen recorder and also a recorder from his cufflink. But... those two are missing. 

AURORA: You don't remember seeing it on his suit? 

QUENTIN: None, if I can remember it clearly, I did not find any object on his pocket and clothes. Because if I can, I probably get that as an evidence. 

AURORA: The question is, where did it go? 

QUENTIN: That's the mystery. Assumptions are mere assumption so.. I need to find a clue where it was.

AURORA: How about the... threats...have you still been receiving it? It's been a year since the Mariano’s 1st Son, got jailed. When was the last time? 

QUENTIN: A while ago. (smiles)

AURORA: You even have the guts to smile? That’s a threat!

QUENTIN: I’m sorry okay? I’m just taking it lightly, I won’t let it a bother to you. 

AURORA: What kind of threat is it?

QUENTIN: Just a silly teddy bear full of blood. Can’t they have a new idea? That’s too cliché. I have seen it to a lot of movies for it to not become scary. It’s not scary, it’s silly! 

AURORA: (stares at his hands) What are you hiding? Let me see. 

QUENTIN: What? I’m not hiding something. 

AURORA: You were, what is that? 

QUENTIN: (sighs) (spread his arms) This is just a small wound from a car. It’s not something serious.

AURORA: But how?

QUENTIN: 'Ma, you don't have to worry about that. I've been keeping you and Reah, private so it's not bothersome. 

AURORA: But... how about you? We're worried about you, not just ourselves. 

QUENTIN: D—Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. 

AURORA: Keep yourself safe too, keep an eye on your surroundings and remain a vigilant heart. 

QUENTIN: I (paused) will. Don't worry. I'll try.

   (phone ringing)

QUENTIN: Wait, my boss called me. (placed his phone on his ears and made a distance)

Reah, their daughter, entered the scene. 

REAH: Ma, Pa, I’m home. 

AURORA: Shh.. your father’s talking to someone.

REAH: (did an okay sign) 

QUENTIN: There’s an emergency there, I’ll went there for a couple of hour. Just eat dinner early, don’t wait for me anymore. I’ll be late. (left the house)

REAH: What’s wrong with him? He’s in a rush.

AURORA: He said it’s an emergency, that’s why. (paused) Sweetie, I’ll ask a question for you. 

REAH: What is it ‘ma?

AURORA: You already know what’s behind your father’s flowers right? 

REAH: Hmm…yeah. And I love the story behind of it. Why?

AURORA: That flower. He gave that to me yesterday. (pointed at the vase)

REAH: What about it?

AURORA: I researched about the meaning of that Cistus, but your father said that, that’s not what he meant. 

REAH: That’s a first time. Cistus… that’s familiar.

AURORA: Do you have any idea? 

REAH: I heard that in a drama… wait… I’ll try to remember. 

(phone ringing)

AURORA: (answered the phone)

REAH: Cistus? That’s really familiar. I will… something… tomorrow? Wait, what’s the word in the middle? Wait. (paused) (widened her eyes) that’s…

AURORA: (ended the call with her trembling hands)

REAH: ‘Ma! I finally remembered. That means I will die tomorrow.

Lights off. 


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